About The girl Cat Name Adeline

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Learn about the girl cat name Adeline and its meaning, origins, pronunciation, popularity and more.


Kitten girl name Adeline

What's The Meaning Of The Cat Name Adeline?

  • Adeline \a-deli-ne, ad(e)-line\ as a girl's name is pronounced ADD-a-line, add-a-LEEN. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Adeline is "noble". See Adelaide. French diminutive of Adela. Used occasionally in England since the early 16th century. Opera soprano Adelina Patti (late 19th century) and a well-known song called "Sweet Adeline" gave the name exposure. See also Alena.
  • Adeline has 25 variant forms: Adalene, Adalina, Adaline, Adallina, Adalyn, Addie, Adelina, Adelind, Adella, Adellah, Adelynn, Adilene, Ahdella, Aline, Dahlina, Dalina, Daline, Dalina, Delina, Deline, Dellina, Delly, Delyne, Edelie and Lina.
  • For more information, see also related names Della and Adelinde.
  • Baby names that sound like Adeline are Edeline and Odeline.
  • View a list of the 7 names that reference Adeline.

Pronunciation | Adeline is pronounced: \a-deli-ne, ad(e)-line\

Gender | Adeline is a girl name

Origin | The Origin of Adeline is: German

Adeline Kitten Name

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Cat Names Origins

Adeline Cat Name Name Origin

African, Akan, American, Anglo Welsh, Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Assyrian, Australian, Babylonian, Basque, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Celtic, Cherokee, Chinese, Contemporary, Cornish, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, Egyptian, English, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, French, Gaelic, German, Ghanaian, Greek, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hopi, Hungarian, Indian, Indo Pakastini, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Japanese, Kiswahili, Latin, Maori, Mexican, Modern, Native American Indian, Nigerian, Norman, Norman French, Norse, Norwegian, Pawnee, Persian, Phoenician, Polish, Portuguese, Romany, Russian, Samoan, Sanskrit, Scandinavian, Scottish, Sioux, Slavic, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Teutonic, Turkish, Uncertain, Unknown, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish, Zulu

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