About The girl Cat Name Elsa

I Love Cats

Learn about the girl cat name Elsa and its meaning, origins, pronunciation, popularity and more.


Kitten girl name Elsa

What's The Meaning Of The Cat Name Elsa?

  • Elsa \e-lsa, el-sa\ as a girl's name is pronounced EL-sah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Elsa is "God's promise; God is my oath". Short form of Elisabeth or %1. Literary: name of the lioness in the book "Born Free" by Joy Adamson, which was made into a movie. English film actress Elsa Lanchester.
  • Elsa has 7 variant forms: Else, Elsie, Elssa, Elsy, Helsa, Ilsa and Ilse.
  • For more information, see also related names Ailsa, Alice and Elizabeth.
  • Baby names that sound like Elsa are Ellsa, Elisa, Elysa and Elza.
  • View a list of the 5 names that reference Elsa.

Pronunciation | Elsa is pronounced: \e-lsa, el-sa\

Gender | Elsa is a girl name

Origin | The Origin of Elsa is: Hebrew

Elsa Kitten Name

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Cat Names Origins

Elsa Cat Name Name Origin

African, Akan, American, Anglo Welsh, Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Assyrian, Australian, Babylonian, Basque, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Celtic, Cherokee, Chinese, Contemporary, Cornish, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, Egyptian, English, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, French, Gaelic, German, Ghanaian, Greek, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hopi, Hungarian, Indian, Indo Pakastini, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Japanese, Kiswahili, Latin, Maori, Mexican, Modern, Native American Indian, Nigerian, Norman, Norman French, Norse, Norwegian, Pawnee, Persian, Phoenician, Polish, Portuguese, Romany, Russian, Samoan, Sanskrit, Scandinavian, Scottish, Sioux, Slavic, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Teutonic, Turkish, Uncertain, Unknown, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish, Zulu

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